Welcome to Biodynamics2024 and thank you for being here! 

Biodynamics is the first modern, intentional form of organic farming and all about regenerating soil, waterways, natural habitat, and human health, while growing enhanced-quality food and fibre. Biodynamics recognises every farm and garden as a complete organism and dynamic interplay between earth, plant, animal and human beings, while working with moon and other planetary influences (a spiritual science). The object of my website is to place Biodynamics2024 in an Australian context, and to give you access to my work in biodynamic education, workshops, resources and to the “preparations”.

Seed Corn – The Economics of Farming

Seed Corn - The Economics of Farming
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Sunshine Coast, Queensland. 26th and 27th November 2024.

With economic and monetary historian, Christopher Houghton Budd, PhD.

There is, as ever, a need to protect farmers from the intrusions of abstract finance.

The seminar theme refers to the idea that if you sow a sack of corn (or grain) you will harvest 100, of which you only need to resow one to repeat the process; the rest go to the market.

With the accent on the three L’s of land, leasing and liquidity, the seminar will explore whether and how land tenure, farm capitalisation and balance sheet management can be adopted and take root in today’s world.

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Finance at the Threshold

Finance at the Threshold
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Abbotsford Convent, Melbourne. 15th-20th November 2024.

Two day Conference. One day Intensives.


  • Financial Literacy:
    Life without a Central Bank

One day Intensives:

  • Anthroposophical Society Finances
  • Economics, Finance & Business Size does not matter
  • Financing Education Rethinking Public Policy
  • Finance at the threshold for Youth

With Dr Christopher Houghton Budd (UK).

Focusing on the financial literacy needed to navigate life today.

Exploring Rudolf Steiner’s contribution to the transformation of economic life.

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My respect and gratitude go to the first nations peoples, the original custodians of this continent for their profound spiritual scientific knowledge and their care for and conscious cultivation of Country for thousands of years. This care for country is based on relationship.

How did biodynamics emerge?

Biodynamics began as a response to a request made in 1921 by 111 farmers who, concerned about degraded soil conditions and a deterioration in the health and quality of crops and livestock resulting from the use of chemical fertiliers, sort a new relationship to their land and farming practices – something many of us would identify with today.

As settler generations, living in Australia, we need to grasp that all indigenous knowledge is a living understanding of integrated systems and relationships, all indigenous Culture is sacred, Country is sacred. Belonging to this Country, as an empowered individual, can only be affirmed by living a positive, productive, healthy and non-destructive life. We need to develop capacities in spiritual scientific AgriCulture, a deeper relationship to Country, a truthful recognition of indigenous sciences and integrated relational practices. Biodynamics can help achieve a shared language and collaboratively restore and progresses the well-being of this land and all peoples who make it home.

To achieve this, we need to overcome ‘disengagement’ created by technological, chemical processes that relegate farmers to the role of bystander or input-client and commodify the Earth as a mere resource. I will provide you with an approach to cultivation and food production that puts you, as the practitioner, at the creative centre of your enterprise.  Think of your farm or garden as an orchestra and yourself as the conductor; you engage with and connect all the elements – earth, plant, animals, humans, cosmos into one integrated, active relationship.

When we experience art – a painting, performance, literature or music – we experience soul nourishment that lives on after the event and reminds us of our humanity. It strengthens our imagination, inspires and encourages and supports us when we face challenges, but each of us takes away something unique and personal. In the same way, biodynamics inspires and strengthens your individual ‘take’ on farming, unique to your circumstances and enterprise. It equips and encourages you to make your experiences, and harness your insight on how to apply biodynamics suited to your individual situation.  The most important thing is to just get started.

It is a common experience that people leave biodynamic workshops with a greater sense of joy, enthusiasm, confidence in their own potential, and in the potential of a community of colleagues – I would like to share this experience with you.  Confidence in a community of peers is vital as many challenges we face now, and will face into the future, cannot be solved individually or in isolation. By building networks of growers and consumers we can choose to nurture social awareness.  Gatherings of people engaged in biodynamics are nearly always a festive event, a celebration of individual progress and community building.

In this spirit, please explore the links to other biodynamic sites for further details about biodynamic preparations and practices and build your own perspective on the many manifestations of biodynamics. My site is not about repeating what others are already doing well, but to contribute to a global AgriCultural movement that draws on both natural science and spiritual science in the context of the country we live on.